Safety Committees
- Environmental Health & Safety personnel currently serve on approximately 20 committees on the state, county, and municipal levels as well as internal committees of the University. In addition, we are affiliated with over 10 federal, state and local associations, councils, and societies. By serving on these committees and being members or affiliates of national councils, associations, and societies, Environmental Health & Safety is better able to provide the most up-to-date technical information and latest engineering controls to the University community.
Disaster Planning
- Disaster Management is the effective and economical utilization of all materials and personnel for the greatest benefit of and protection for the people and property during a major incident as well as providing prevention, training and preparedness. This includes the development of strategy that will be employed, preparation to handle and manage large-scale disasters, arrangement for the required remediation, and restoration of vital services.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance
- There are many local, state and federal laws, regulations and standards which have been developed to protect the health and safety of employees, faculty, and students. It is the responsibility of Environmental Health & Safety to assist the University in the interpretation and application of these laws, and to keep abreast of all standards, regulations, and requirements applicable to a teaching and research institution.