Index of published Advisories

1.0 Emergency Response
1.2 Fire/Smoke Emergency Procedures
1.3 Evacuations- Persons w/Physical Disabilities
2.0 Guidelines for Confined Space and Permit-Required Confined Space Entries
2.1 Control of Hazardous Energy Sources; Lockout & Tagout Program
3.0 University of Cincinnati Asbestos Program
3.1 University of Cincinnati Asbestos Management Program
3.2 Asbestos Abatement
3.3 Glovebag Technique for Removal of Utility Pipe & Mechanical Insulation
3.4 O&M Procedure--Ceiling Tile Removal
3.5 Disposal of Asbestos Contaminated Waste Materials
3.6 Asbestos Roofing Material Abatement Program Plan
3.7 Asbestos Floor Tile and Mastic Removal Abatement Program Plan
3.8 Drilling into Solid Asbestos Containing Material Abatement Program Plan
3.9 O&M Program--Asbestos Containing Materials Control & Abatement
3.10 Procedures for Contractors Encountering Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials
4.0 Managing the Use of Cytotoxic Agents
4.1 Pyrophorics
5.0 Reproductive Hazards
6.0 Hazard Communication Standards / Right-to-Know
6.1 OSHA Laboratory Standard: University of Cincinnati Chemical Hygiene Plan
6.2 University of Cincinnati Exposure Control Program
7.0 University of Cincinnati Waste Management Program (Updated 03/02/2016)
7.1 Waste Management Responsibilities (Updated 03/02/2016)
7.1.1 Laboratory Faculty, Staff, and Student Departure Procedures (Updated 02/06/2025)
7.2 Waste Reduction
7.3 Management of Chemical Wastes (Updated 02/01/2022)
7.4 Handling Hazardous Chemicals (Updated 02/01/2022)
7.5 Management of Universal Wastes
8.0 Laboratory Fume Hoods: Operations and Use Considerations (Updated 10/25/2012)
8.1 Procedures for Dismantling Exhaust Systems Suspected of Contamination with Perchlorates
8.2 Laboratory Audits (Updated 04/18/2018)
8.3 Procedures for Laboratory Hood Maintenance Work
8.4 Guidelines for the Selection, Installation, and Use of Biosafety Cabinets
8.5 Anesthetic Gas Use (Research) (Updated 03/08/2005)
8.6 Laboratory Ventilation
9.0 Electrical Safety in the Laboratory
9.1 Use of Space Heaters in University Buildings
10.1 Legislation Regarding Infectious Waste Management (Updated 08/13/2020)
10.2 Management of Biological and Infectious Wastes (Updated 10/01/2013)
10.5 Regulations for Autoclave Use, Maintenance and Recordkeeping
11.0 Respiratory Protection Program (Updated 03/23/2011)
12.0 Medical Surveillance Program (Updated 10/24/2007)
12.1 Needle Stick, Other Percutaneous and Mucous Membrane Exposures
12.2 Occupational/Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (Updated 5/17/2021)
12.3 Policy on HIV and AIDS
12.4 Asthma Prevention For Animal Handlers
12.5 Prevention of Adverse Health Effects from Exposure to Beryllium and Beryllium Compounds
12.6 Prevention of Adverse Health Effects from Exposure to Lead and Materials Containing Lead
12.6.1 Generic Health and Environmental Specifications for the Abatement of Lead-Based Paint Within University of Cincinnati Buildings
12.7 Guidelines for Handling Animals That May Be Infected With Hantavirus (Updated 02/19/2008)
13.0 Underground Storage Tanks
14.0 Radiation Safety (Updated 2/01/2022)
14.1 Procedures for Installation of Fans/Filters on Chemical Fume Hoods in RAM areas
15.0 Storage of Flammable & Combustible Liquids
15.1 Use of Open Flames or Light During Theater Productions
15.2 Guidelines for Safe Welding, Cutting, or Brazing (Hot Work)
16.0 Snow Emergency
18.0 Guidelines for Resolution of Indoor Air Quality Complaints
19.0 Guidelines for the Safe Use of Laser Pointers
19.1 Laser Safety Program
20.0 Sponsored Program Applicant's Checklist for Environmental Health & Safety Services
21.0 Guidelines on Minors in Laboratories (Updated 04/12/2018)
21.1 Occupational Health & Safety Guidelines On Minors in Potentially Hazardous Locations Other Than Laboratories (Updated 04/12/2018)
22.0 Personal Pets Prohibited in University Facilities
22.1 Animals on Campus (Updated 02/19/2008)
23.1 Vehicle Safety: 15-Passenger Vans and Other Vehicles with a High Center of Gravity
23.2 U.S. Department of Transporation (D.O.T.) Regulations Governing Use of 9-15 Passenger Vans
29.0 Implementation of Safety Engineering in the Construction Process
29.1 Health & Safety Construction Job Site Guidelines
29.2 Construction Limits & Enclosures--Public Protection
29.3 Construction Site Dust, Silica, and Silicosis Prevention
29.4 Barriers and Engineering Controls
29.5 Requirement for Digging or Excavation Permit
29.6 Construction Safety Support
33.0 Hearing Conservation Program
35.0 Computer Workstation Guidelines